Don't get me wrong, I completely understand the downfalls of a rainy day and the fact that most people aren't prepared to take them head on. I am no cynic when it comes to an overcast sky because I adore the rain. Is there any real reason not to? Plants turn so green, warm tea mugs make cold finger tips tingle and rubber boots allow for an optimal splash radius.
I've decided to spend this glorious day (or at least what I have till I go to work) trying to finish/start some sculptures for class. This year has been interesting due to an increased love of painting and a decline in sculpture. This might have come because of the lack of enthusiasm my sculpture professor has had about my work. At one point he called these cute little owls "trailer trash". As he said it he affectionately gazed down at me apparently thinking I would agree.

He was wrong. So to show him, I making a elegant piece (some may say awe-inspiring). I call it "Yarn Puff Ball Extravaganza". That's' right, yarn puff balls. If he already thinks my stuff is trashy than what's the point in trying to prove him wrong. I might as well just go with it. I am hoping by the end of the sculpture to have one hundred or so puff balls. I'm not really sure what the hell I will do with one hundred balls when I am finished, so if anyone is in need of some pillowcase filler or has a toy-less cat, please call. It should be fun and definitely more funny than classic, but I think that suits me well. To be honest, I can't really think of a better way to spend this rainy day, either. So here's to Bailey's and coffee and a plethora of furry balls.